Josiah and LeeAnn with the girls who started it all.

Josiah and LeeAnn with the girls who started it all.

Meet Our Founders.

In March of 2013, our first daughter was born. With her birth came the birth of our family and began our journey of parenthood. We are convinced, after our short five years of parenting, nothing can fully prepare you for the responsibility of raising the next generation; however, when we learned, from UNICEF, 1 in 12 children will die before the age of 5 in Sub-Saharan Africa from predominantly preventable and treatable causes, we were furious and compelled to bring change. The same statistic in the “high-income” areas of our world is 1 in 147. 

We consider ourselves fortunate to be raising our children in one of the “high-income” areas of the world where they have: clean water, access to health care, shelter, food and parents with the ability to pursue education and make informed choices regarding their health, growth and development (i.e. self determination). In our community these accesses are normal; however, in other areas of the world – these are not experienced as basic human rights, but privileges known only by a small minority.

At BirthBox, this is where we are dedicated to seeing change. We are dedicated to seeing more children survive infancy, and our unique approach begins not only with the child, but through empowering mothers and fathers. We have created The BirthBox™ Toolkit with resources to aid future parents in Safer Birth, Family Planning and Family Bonding, and The BirthBox™ Sleep System as a helpful tool and incentive to complete the education offered in The BirthBox™ Toolkit. The goal is to work alongside local communities to offer a curriculum, supplemental to routine obstetric and gynecological care, and a care-package that empowers future parents and early support partners to feel equipped and excited to manage the challenges of pregnancy, birth and infancy.  

Together we believe we can stand for strong families, inspired children and a healthier tomorrow. Join us, at BirthBox, in a new-style effort to empower the generations of tomorrow by intervening when they are most vulnerable today.


For a better tomorrow,


Josiah and LeeAnn
Founders, BirthBox